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The 750,000 gallon water tank is raised to the top in July of 2023.

The City of Volga pumps, treats, stores, and distributes its own water to Volga residents. The City of Volga owns two water towers - a 250,000 gallon water tower is located near 1st Street and Kasan Ave and the other tank is 750,000 gallons and is located at the corner of E 6th Street and Caspian Ave.

Volga’s water distribution network consists of nearly 15 miles of pipe ranging in size from 4 inches to 12 inches. Water is transported from the well house via one 10 inch and one 12 inch pipe working in parallel. Flow then exits the 10 inch and 12 inch mains into 6 inch water main. A portion of the source flow is used to directly serve customers while another portion of the source flow is stored in the towers.

Due to the natural hardness of water that is pumped from the ground, it is recommended that a water softener is installed in your house or business to soften the water and lengthen the quality of pipes and appliances.

Have any concerns or see any issues? Give us a call at 605-627-9113 or send us a message.